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2018 Conference Speaker and Session Information

Conference Program

Click here to download the full program

Day One: Saturday, April 14, 2018

Plenary Sessions 8:45 – 10:00

Milton Sussman – Deputy Minister of Health Address

Opening conference address from the Deputy Minister of Health in Alberta.

Milton has a deep respect for patients, residents, and their families. He also has a keen understanding of the health system. Familiar with the nuances involved in health care delivery in acute care, the community, and long-term care, Milton has made significant contributions to local, provincial and national conversations about health, wellness, governance and accountability.





Dr. Karine Meador, MD CCFP DABAM – Bringing Harm Reduction to the Bedside in an Inner City Acute Care Hospital: The ARCH Experience

The Addiction Recovery and Community Health Team (ARCH) is the clinical arm of the Royal Alexandra Hospital’s Inner City Health and Wellness Program.  This multidisciplinary team brings evidence-based substance use treatment, social stabilization, and harm reduction to patients admitted to hospital.  This model has become increasingly important in the current climate of rising opioid overdose deaths, with Alberta already seeing 482 accidental drug overdose deaths related to an opioid between January and September 2017, a 40% increase from 2016.

This presentation will review the evidence behind harm reduction as a key strategy to addressing the overdose crisis, and show how these interventions have been successfully embedded into an acute care setting.

Dr. Meador is a family physician who completed a fellowship in addiction medicine through the University of Toronto and St. Joseph’s Health Centre and is now an American Board of Addiction Medicine certified specialist.  She is currently the assistant director of the Inner City Health and Wellness Program and the Addiction Recovery and Community Health (ARCH) team, a multidisciplinary team bringing evidence-based substance use disorder treatment, stabilization of social inequities, and harm reduction to the acute care setting of the Royal Alexandra Hospital.



Plenary Sessions 13:30-14:30

Lorelei Sawchuk, MN, NP – Pearls, Ponders & Pitfalls of Advanced Care Planning & Goals of Care Designation

How can we better prepare ourselves and those we are caring for in ensuring wishes and care needs are met and clinically appropriate?  Be aware of barriers related to Advance Care Planning (ACP) and Goals of Care Designation (GCD) and be informed about the resources available to you, your colleagues and those you are caring for.

Lorelei is a graduate of the University of Alberta obtaining her Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Master of Nursing and Nurse Practitioner. She has been a nurse for over 30 years working in both rural Alberta and Edmonton. Specializing in palliative and end of life care for close to 25 years, Lorelei has worked within Palliative Home Care and hospital settings including the Royal Alexandra Hospital Palliative Care Consult Team and now the Covenant Health Palliative Consult Team at the Grey Nuns Community Hospital. Lorelei is also the Education Lead with Covenant Health Palliative Institute which has allowed her to dedicate time to Advance Care Planning, Goals of Care Designation and working with others to create an End of Life Care Pathway for individuals having hours to days of life. Personally, Lorelei is married with a 25 year old son; is a caregiver and support for her mother and in-laws; and cared for her father who died at home from pulmonary fibrosis 14 years ago.


Saturday Breakout Sessions 15:00-16:00

Kim Scherr , MN, NP – Chest X-ray Interpretation: Not just Black and White, but Various Shades of Grey

This session provides an overview of basic CXR interpretation with focus on technique; differentiation between normal and abnormal findings; and possible associated diagnoses.

Kim Scherr has been a critical care NP for 20 years with experience in general systems ICU and CVICU. She currently practice in ICU at the Misericordia Hospital and works as Rapid Response Team Lead. She is involved in leadership and professional development activities at the local, provincial and national levels, and have published several papers related to CV and critical care nursing.


Nanette Cox-Kennett, MN, NP – Anemia Case Studies: Beyond Pale

A case based approach to low hemoglobin issues.

Nanette Cox-Kennett is a Nurse Practitioner in Hematology and Bone Marrow Transplant Cross Cancer Institute. Nan has been a Nurse Practitioner at the CCI for 13 years and an oncology nurse longer than she cares to admit.  She likes to joke to her students that she has been nursing longer than most of them have been breathing.  She is thrilled to share her clinical knowledge with patients and colleagues at the provincial and national level whenever asked.


Derek MacIntyre , Constable & James Ottewell, Constable – Law Enforcement: Why I am in your way.

Drugs, injuries and collisions. What information police are looking for and what you can tell them.

Marijuana. What’s going to happen when it is legal? A discussion of the legal implication of marijuana and challenges for legislation with legalization.

Constable Derek MacIntyre has worked 11 years as a member of Edmonton Police Service. Currently he is assigned to the Major Collision Investigation Unit. 

Constable James OTTEWELL is a 10 year member of the Edmonton Police Service and currently is assigned to the Major Collision Investigation Unit.


Codi Isaac, PT – Concussion: News & Interdisciplinary Management

Review of management of concussions.

Codi (MScPT 2007) works in private practice clinics and sporting environments. Her expertise is in restoring function and participation in life, work and recreational activities with her patients. She completed her Duke Vestibular Competency and Sport Physiotherapy Canada Certificate. Codi continues to provide “on-field” care for athletes in both minor sports and professional settings covering sports such as hockey, gymnastics, soccer, rugby, football and curling. A passion for assisting individuals recover from concussion drives Codi into research seeking answers to “how can I improve rehabilitation for an athlete, a worker, a senior, a parent or a child, tomorrow?”



Plenary Sessions 16:00-17:15 AGM

NPAA – Annual General Meeting

The annual general meeting is for members and will include summary of the NPAA year and voting on future directions.


Plenary Sessions 17:30-20:00

Emerging Trends in NP Practice


Wine and Cheese – The University of Alberta 100 years of Nursing Education (since 1918)

Click to download the Wine and Cheese Invitation here.

Tammy O’Rourke, NP BS/MS PhD

  • Community: Collaborative Community Care (C3 for Seniors)
  1. Stewart MacLennan, MN NP
  • Cannabis and NP Practice

Susan Prendergast, RN MN NP PhD

  • Private NP Practice: Reducing Barriers to Excellent Primary Care

Kathleen Hunter, RN NP PhD GNC(C) NCA

NP Education: Local and National Perspective

The University of Alberta Sponsored wine and chess.  Mingle from 17:30 to 18:00. From 18:00 to 20:00 a panel discussion on emerging trends in NP Practice



Day Two: Sunday, April 15, 2018

Plenary Sessions 8:45 – 10:00

Jennifer Halenar, MN NP – Heart Failure: Failing to Prescribe

The presentation will review the practical application of the most recent clinical practice guidelines and revealing the newest medication (Entresto) in the management of heart failure.  Included in the presentation will be case studies that cover the challenges of prescribing the complicated medication regime (and device therapy) whilst considering the whole patient and their journey through their ever-changing state riddled with exacerbations and complications.

Jennifer Halenar has a passion for the management of chronic diseases.  She graduated from her BScN and then immediately continued in her education obtaining a Masters in Science of Health Promotion. Jennifer proceeded to develop a prevention/promotion community-based program for cardiovascular health. This was always near and dear to her since her family history is riddled with complications related to CVD and premature death. She worked for a few year in CV surgery and then was lured into transplant and worked in heart, lung, and liver transplant programs for a large part of my career. This exposed her to a vast array of new technologies (including islet cell, multi-organ, and live donor transplant); and the complexities of immunosuppressive medications and the litany of complications.   As a result Jennifer was led to pursue her MN and then became the NP for the Heart Function Program at the RAH since 2008. In this role Jennifer works with a wonderful multidisciplinary team and manages chronic heart failure which plagued with exacerbations but also complicated by other significant co-morbidities.  Jennifer has participated in numerous research opportunities including drug trials, device and interventional studies, and studies considering patient education, self-management and quality of life.  Further, she was a member of provincial sub-committees in the development of medication practice guidelines and transitions of care (hospital to home). In which, she provided medical-educational sessions for primary care networks around the region.  She continues to believe in sharing knowledge and learning from each other and is the co-chair of the NP forum.


Sunday Short Snappers 13:30-14:30

Dr. Meena Kalluri, MD – Patient Centric Care in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis

This session will briefly review the need for a patient centric care approach in the management of IPF and provide an overview of this model at our clinic.

Dr. Kalluri is an Associate Professor of Medicine at the University of Alberta, Edmonton. She completed her medical training including her residency in internal medicine and fellowships in pulmonary and critical care medicine in the US. She acquired additional training in interstitial lung diseases (ILD) and currently specializes in treating patients with ILD and IPF (idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis). She is the founder and director of the Multidisciplinary Interstitial Lung Disease Collaborative at the University of Alberta. Her clinic has been recognized provincially by AHS palliative and end of life network and nationally by the Canadian Foundation for Healthcare Improvement in 2017 as an emerging innovation in Palliative care. Her clinical practice emphasizes a patient centric approach with early-integrated palliative care in IPF. Her research interests include improving the health-related quality of life and death for patients with fibrotic lung disease like IPF.  She has published several manuscripts in this area and has developed an education program that helps residents experience patient centered care in and outside the hospitals.


Joey Ton, BScPharm PharmD – New, True & Poo

The audience will choose the topics from a set list of items that are practical and relevant to primary care. The session will be entertaining, controversial, and thought provoking, but all based on the highest levels of evidence. Bring your inner skeptic!

Joey Ton is a pharmacist obtaining his Bachelors in Pharmacy and a PharmD both at the University of Alberta. Currently, his role focuses on developing and providing physician continuing education materials around Alberta using the best available evidence in the literature.


Angela Price-Stevens, Lawyer – CNPS: Supplemental Liability Insurance

CNPS overview of insurance coverage and supplemental liability insurance.

Angela Price-Stevens is a British and Canadian lawyer called in British Columbia, Alberta and Ontario. With over 20 years of experience in private practice, Angela has devoted her legal practice to professional negligence matters. She has represented both patients and health-care professionals in cases related to malpractice, regulatory matters and risk-management issues, and has developed health-related policies and procedures. Angela has given lectures at numerous conferences and been a regular contributor to legal and medical-legal publications, journals and radio shows.


Plenary Sessions 16:00-16:15

Teddie Tanguay MN, NP – NPAA President Closing Address

Closing address and door prizes.

Teddie Tanguay’s, careers in nursing began with completion of the RN Diploma program from the Royal Alexandra Hospital. After a short time in orthopedics she transferred to Critical Care at the Royal Alexandra Hospital, where she has spent the rest of her career in Critical Care. Teddie has worked in various roles: Unit Manager, Clinical Educator and now Nurse Practitioner. During her career she has returned to University twice once to get her Bachelor of Science in Nursing in 1990 and then in 2000 for her Masters of Nursing to become a Nurse Practitioner. She continues to love working with critically ill adults.  Further, Teddie is active in her role as the President of the NPAA.