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MLA Template Letter

Copy and paste the following into your Word document:


MLA Name/Contact Details


I am writing to you today as an Albertan concerned about the delivery of Health Care in INSERT THE NAME OF YOUR COMMUNITY . As you know Nurse Practitioners (NPs) have been a vital part of Alberta’s healthcare system for a number of years demonstrating improved access to care in primary and acute care settings.

NPs are health care providers with a clinical Masters degree and are trained to assess, diagnose, treat, order diagnostic tests, prescribe medications, make referrals to specialists and manage overall care. In short, NPs are qualified to provide safe and timely Health Care services, much needed in INSERT YOUR COMMUNITY NAME.

NPs work independently and collaborate and consult with other health care professionals as needed to meet the health care needs of the patient. NPs offer a cost effective solution to the shortage of Primary Care Providers and improved access to specialty care, including partnering with those they serve to promote health and prevent illness.

I am currently seeking a Nurse Practitioner in my area as my Primary Care Provider (describe your personal situation here for example what are the challenges you face in accessing an NP in primary care, include any personal insights about the value of NPs as Primary Care Providers).

I am hopeful that there will soon be Nurse Practitioners available to me in our community and I’d like to know what you are doing to make this happen.