- Physiciansand Nurse Practitioners (NPs), working in Canada, who do and do not provide home visits for adult patients (aged 18+).
- Participants must be fluent in English with the capacity to consent.
What will participants be asked to do?
If you agree to participate in the study, we will ask you to:
- Complete an online survey, including a demographics questionnaire, using Microsoft Forms
- The survey will take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete
- Indicate if you are interested in participating in a virtual, 1-hour interview to have further discussion on the survey topics.
You can choose to be entered in a draw for a $100 Amazon gift card at the end of the survey.
Next Steps
Here is the link to complete the survey: https://forms.office.com/r/YT1vJfJ5qx
If you have any questions, please contact the Research Coordinator, Madeline McCoy
- Email: MMcCoy@bruyere.org
- Phone: (613) 562-6262 ext.1648 (to leave a voicemail)