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PHC Weekly Newsletter – Aug 29

Mpox cases in Alberta 
In 2024, Alberta has recorded seven mpox cases, including two in July and none in August to date. For comparison, in 2022, there were 44 cases and, in 2023, there were three cases. The risk to Albertans remains low. 
Albertans 18 and older who meet the eligibility criteria for targeted prevention prior to an exposure can get the mpox vaccine. Learn more about mpox vaccine eligibility.
If you believe you have been in close prolonged contact with someone with mpox or are experiencing mpox symptoms, such as fever, rash and swollen lymph nodes, please self-isolate and call Health Link at 811 or your primary care physician. Many sexual and reproductive health clinics can provide testing for mpox, along with testing for more common infections.

Whooping Cough

Alberta currently has no active pertussis (whooping cough) outbreaks. In 2024, there have been 399 reported cases, with 14 new cases in the last seven days. This number is consistent with the typical annual case count, which usually ranges in the few hundreds, and reflects the cyclical nature of pertussis, which often fluctuates. Medical Officers of Health (MOHs) use the Notifiable Disease Guideline criteria to determine if the number of cases in a specific area exceeds what is normally expected. If so, an outbreak may be declared.

Clinical Indications for Urine Cytopathology

To promote appropriate utilization of lab resources the following changes are being implemented:

  • Urine cytopathology (cytology) is indicated to diagnose high grade urothelial carcinoma and should only be ordered when there is a suspicion of bladder cancer. Even when appropriately ordered, a negative result on urine cytology does NOT rule out cancer.
  • Urine cytology requests must be accompanied by one of the following indications in the clinical history:
    • Gross hematuria
    • Persistent microscopic hematuria
    • Bladder tumor

Urine cytology follow up as recommended by urologist, for bladder cancer surveillance

  • As of September 1, 2024, community urine cytology requests with any other history or with no history at all will be rejected.


For more information, please see the recent lab bulletin.

Engagement opportunities

APL Physician Survey

Your feedback on APL Lab request services is crucial for us to understand what’s working and what can be improved. Share your thoughts through a short online survey, open until October 2024. Your input will help ensure optimal laboratory service provision.

CPSA Practice Readiness Assessors

The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta (CPSA) is currently recruiting urban, rural & regional physicians to join its pool of Practice Readiness Assessors for Preliminary Clinical Assessment (PCA) in Family Medicine. The Preliminary Clinical Assessment (PCA) is the first part of the two-part practice readiness assessment with CPSA that leads successful candidates to independent practice roles. Want to know more about Practice Readiness Assessors?

Brainstorm resources for Long COVID patients

If you’d like to provide input into a grant-funded Long COVID program, register for a brainstorming session on October 2. Project lead Dr. Chester Ho is looking to understand the rehabilitation and education services your Long COVID patients need in the absence of specialty clinics.

This session is part of the 2024 Long COVID Symposium in Edmonton, October 3-4, via Zoom and in person.

Professional development and events

Influence vs. Advocacy: Distinguishing the Difference

More and more, physicians are being invited to be part of committees, task forces and working groups. Sometimes the role demands advocacy and sometimes influence – and sometimes both. We’ll talk about the differences in styles and approaches, and share tips for success.

  • Sep 17, 2024, 6:00-7:00 pm
  • Sep 18, 2024, 7:30-8:30 am
  • Organized by the AMA ACTT Physician Champion Network
  • For more information

Culturally Appropriate Use of Language

This resource guide shares best practices from pipikwan pêhtâkwan about communicating with, for, and about Indigenous Peoples.

Family Medicine Forum

FMF 2024 offers three engaging and thought-provoking keynote sessions by leaders in family medicine. This year’s keynote speakers are Dr. Danièle Behn Smith, Dr. Constance LeBlanc, and Dr. David Price.

North Zone Health Neighbourhoods information session – everyone welcome

The North Zone Health Neighbourhoods are holding an open orientation session via Teams Sept. 24, 3:00–4:00 p.m. It’s a great way to see how the North Zone Health Neighbourhood model works, and to see a showcase of their work. All Alberta primary care folks welcome!

2024 Rural Community Attraction and Retention Conference

Join Rural Health Professions Action Plan (RhPAP) at the 2024 Rural Community Health Provider A&R Conference to learn how to attract and keep healthcare professionals in rural areas.

Patient Resources

MyAHS Connect hits milestone

The MyAHS Connect patient portal for Connect Care has achieved a new milestone — with more than 500,000 Albertans now able to access their health information online. More than 4,000 people sign up for MyAHS Connect every week.

AHS healthcare providers are strongly encouraged to offer MyAHS Connect access to every patient aged 14 years or older who receives services at an AHS site or program that has Connect Care.

Child passenger safety resources

AHS Provincial Injury Prevention is happy to announce that new child passenger safety resources are now available at  The webpage features the “Is your child in the right seat?” video and print resource in multiple languages.

These resources were adapted with permission from Child Safety Link, IWK Health in collaboration with AHS zones and partners. A big thanks to everyone involved for your support and patience with the resource development. 

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