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President’s Report, October 2021

This will be my last report as President of NPAA. My term has ended and I will now hand the
presidency over to Anne Summach. It has been an eventful 3 years, with much change both for
the organization, healthcare and the world at large.

I am proud of the immense amount of work of our board of directors and the huge strides we
have made with legislative changes, higher profile with key players in government and the
amazing work and response of NPs across the province in response to the COVID- 19
pandemic. There have been many challenges to work through and overcome but NPs in Alberta
have done just that. I want to personally thank each and every NP in Alberta for their dedication
to the profession, for stepping up in ways we never even imagined and often taking on
responsibilities and roles in response to the needs of Albertans in a stressed healthcare system
during the pandemic. I would also like to thank all healthcare providers, physicians, and
volunteers who have also stepped up to the challenges of the past 19 months. Your dedication
and care for all Albertans has been and continues to be outstanding.

The future of NP practice in Alberta, I believe, is bright and will continue to progress. I
encourage all NPs to be willing to step into roles of leadership to continue to pave the way for
NP practice in Alberta.

Thank-you to all the members for your ongoing support during my term as President. It has
been much appreciated. It has been a pleasure and privilege to serve NPs in Alberta. I look
forward to what the future holds. I know you will afford Anne and the rest of the board of
directors your continuing support as they lead NPAA. Once again thank-you.

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