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President’s Update June 2020


Met on May 14/20 .
● Changing style of PNPAC with NP strategy priorities and spending time working on
these priorities rather than just being a reporting body.
● Have listed 5 top priorities that will have working groups to do the work then back to the
larger group for feedback and ultimately implementation.
● U of C is pausing the NP program for curriculum redevelopment. With COVID unsure of
timeline at present. Students already enrolled will complete their program.
● U of A NP program resumes in the fall.

Alberta Health

● Continue to meet quarterly and as needed. Met on May 27/20
● There is continued work on the PCN NP Support Program trying to rectify barriers toNP’s applying for a position.
● AH asking for feedback in regards to salaries for NPs. We also informed AH that there is a need to allow for benefits and operational costs that are separate from the salary.
● Actively working on alternate funding models. No timeline given for completion as yet.
● News Release June 4, 2020 to announce amendments to the Operation and General Regulations of the Nursing Home Act will become permanent when the temporary order expires Aug 15/20.
● Working on a plan for evaluation of any NP-led model.
● AH cautioned us not to directly compare us to physicians but to continue to highlight our skills and scope of practice.
● AH has been getting letters from members who are utilizing the members lobbying toolkit as well as non members. They are referring all feedback from members and non members back to NPAA stating that is who they deal with as a primary contact/advice on
all matters relating to NPs.
● AH linked NPAA to an AH staff who is part of the team writing the new Continuing Care Act which will eventually replace the Nursing Home Act as a contact for future feedback or questions in regards to NPs.

Labour Ministry

● Letter with a briefing note has been sent to the minister of labour ahead of the meeting. A meeting has been scheduled for July 13/20.
● There have been multiple legislative changes emerging of late and the plan is to, with help from Alberta Counsel, reach out to other department ministers in regards to these changes. One is the Services Alberta minister to discuss amendments that are needed to the Fatalities Inquiry Act which impact the Vital Statistic Act that has been recently amended to allow NPs to sign a death certificate.


● Continue to meet quarterly. Met June 22/20.
● Asked about the strategy of CARNA going forward in regards to NP representation.
● Marcie Smigorowski is back doing contract work( presently on the upcoming neonatal NP exam), trying to complete the secondment contract so she will be back at 0.5 FTE.
● Updates to the Medication Standards and NP Prescribing Standards are needed to reflect the recent changes to legislation allowing NPs to accept and distribute drug samples.
● Updating the pronouncement of death guidelines to reflect changes to the Vital Statistic Act that allows NPs to complete a death certificate under certain circumstances.
● Asked if a tick box can be added to the NP renewal form that NPs will tick if they allow their contact information to be shared with NPAA. This is in hopes of being able to reach out to more NPs in the province as well as have a better idea of where NPs are currently practicing in the province.
● Stressed the need for ongoing communication with CARNA even outside the quarterly meetings if changes are arising that NPAA may not be aware of so the messaging between CARNA and NPAA is the same.

Alberta Health Services

● Met with Sean Chilton, Fadumo Robinson and APN practice leads Angela Tran and Sandra VanHecke. Met on June 25/20. Will continue to meet quarterly.
● Want meetings to be solution focused.
● Agreed that we can collaborate on common areas of concern such as legislative barriers, streamlined communication and also looked at trends and issues for NPs such as licensure categories, national trends for NPs. How we can expand NP roles across the province, particularly in primary care.
● Sean mentioned that they are looking at a possible provincial hospitalist program and that NPs may be included in this and there would be funding in this role. This is in the very early stages of development.
● Raised the issue that was brought forward by members that the Clinical Associates are in the NUEE but have continued to get their annual raises where everyone else in NUEE has been frozen. Sean was not aware of this and will look into it straight away and communicate his findings back to NPAA.
● NPAA also expressed interest in being part of 1-2 of the working groups through PNPAC to offer our voice to working out solutions identified in the PNPAC meeting.
● Sean assured us that the salary issues, while not being changed today, are being looked at and have not been forgotten. We did mention that they would have to consider this when they come into negotiations with nurses and the unions in September as their agreements are impacting NP salaries and there is much inequality as it relates to shift differentials, overtime, etc.

NPAA Conference 2021

● Continuing to plan for an in person conference for April 2021.

● The board is also looking at other options should face to face larger gatherings not be allowed next spring.


● Karen Parker has taken over the communications work at NPAA. This includes our social media posts, monthly communications update and overseeing the recently started NPAA blog which some members are involved in.
● Two members and myself are working on cleaning up the website to make it more user friendly and informative. This work will happen over the summer months.
● A friendly reminder that members must be logged in to the website in order for them to access the discount codes for Uptodate and other programs.
● Monthly email communications will suspend over the summer months unless important information comes out and then a separate email will go out. It is hoped that this will transition to monthly updates posted on the website which are easily accessible to members and keep them informed.

Legislative Changes Update

● Changes to the Operations and General Regulations of the Nursing Home Act become permanent on Aug 15/20. This allows NPs to be primary care providers in nursing homes.
● Amendments to the Vital Statistics Act allow NPs to complete a death certificate under certain circumstances, there will still need to be changes to the Fatalities Inquiry Act which states any death not under the care of a physician needs to be investigated by the medical examiner.
● Bill 17 of the Mental Health Act has passed first reading. This will allow NPs to be able to care for clients under this act if it is passed.
● Driver Medicals can be completed by NPs effective June 30/20.
● NPs can now complete the medical evaluation for capacity assessment through a recent amendment of the Adult Guardian and Trusteeship Regulations.
● PLease see the recent CARNA update for NP for further details.

Labour Relations Board

● No further word from ALRB.
● Government has until Nov 2020 to make any legislative changes.
● NPAA is meeting with the Minister of Labour in early July to discuss options.