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Bronze Sponsor


All sponsors must agree to the Sponsorship Terms, Conditions and Cancellation Policy


All Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze Level Sponsors Will Receive: Complimentary registration including refreshments and meals for your representative(s)* per day for the two-day conference (see levels for the number representatives) 

  • One 6 ft display table for product display and advertising, for the duration of the 2-day conference 
  • Advertised sponsorship level in the conference program, the conference website, and NPAA website 

Your company will be recognized as a bronze sponsor throughout the conference with all the benefits above, plus: Complimentary registration including refreshments and meals for one (1) representative* per day for the two-day conference 

  • Recognition in our social media and news release platforms 
  • Option for a business card size ad in the conference program 
  • Your LOGO on our Conference welcoming big screen sponsor slide-loop 
  • Opportunity to include promo give-a-way swag in conference swag bags 
  • Your company name will be printed among the bronze sponsor listings in the conference program, the conference website, and the NPAA website 

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