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Project ECHO

Target audience: community providers


Survey Summary: Project ECHO, a model aimed at training community-based and allied healthcare providers in assessing and treating various medical conditions. This model utilizes video conferencing technology to connect community providers (“spokes”) with an interdisciplinary panel of experts (“hub”). ECHO clinics serve as virtual learning sessions focused on case-based learning and the dissemination of evidence-based practices. In a bid to improve access to care for children with medical complexities, including children with global neurodevelopmental disorders, the Alberta Children’s Hospital is initiating a Pediatric Project ECHO. This project aims to empower community healthcare providers to address disparities in care by offering consistent, timely, accessible, and culturally responsive services to children and families within their communities. To enhance support provided by the hospital to community healthcare providers, it’s crucial to understand the perceived barriers and supports required in managing the care of children with medical complexities in Alberta.

Survey Link:

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