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Edmonton, AB
Clinic AddressKingsway Medicentres Family Health Care Clinic
Edmonton, AB T5H 4K1
Clinic Website
Description of Site/OpportunityKingsway Medicentres prides itself on integrity, accountability, respect, excellence and putting our patients first. Medicentres believes in helping people feel better through quality family healthcare available to everyone. Our location offers services on a walk in and appointment basis. Our location provides Occupational Health, OIS and Women’s Health services and minor surgical procedures can be performed on site. Currently the clinic employs 2 full time family physicians and two part time family physicians but we do not have anyone accepting new patients. The clinic receives inquiries on a daily basis from patients looking to be paneled to a provider and we have a growing list of approximately 1100 patients waiting at this time.
Other Healthcare Providers on Site?Family Physicians
Is this Clinic Associated with a PCN?Yes
Which PCN?North
Estimated Number of Unattached Patients Available for rostering1100